Until 2021, I operated as a solopreneur using the name Yumuri – an art brand that placed itself protectively in front of my person, behind which I could also hide a bit. For me, the decision to show my face on this website – literally, with my photo on the first page – has been an intense process. In my coaching sessions, I’ve found that I’m not alone in my shyness about exposing myself to the whole world (at least that’s how it felt).
Maybe you hide your true dreams from your family because they don’t fit the role that is expected of you as a mother/father/daughter/son … Maybe you also show your true self only conditionally in your relationships. Maybe you like to listen, support and are appreciated for it. But do you also share your worries, dreams and sensitivities with the other person?
Our fear of being visible can be very invisible. It changes the way we act and talk. We may finally want to take the next step in our career, but unconsciously sabotage ourselves by not showing up fully. Or we may want to speak our mind in political discussions, but before we get a sound out, we reconsider our sentences and remain silent.
Fear usually protects us from danger. When we fully expose ourselves to the world, there was or is always someone or something that is perceived as a threat. This fear is very individual. We will explore different expressions of this sensation together to see where your fear is at home. Only there it can be met.
Together we take the plunge into “What if …?” and look at what wants to be done now for each of us along the way.
If you would like to be part of the next starting workshop, just send me an e-mail.